Eartha-Blue didn't know what was more important for people: to be sated or calm or happy? So she just took away the "or".

Everything in life is so complicated.How to get a good job for good money and have great boss. How to lose weight while eating? How to fly without being afraid of height? How can I say I don't know something without people thinking I'm stupid? How to look fashionable without having to change my eye color? How to eat healthy and enjoy it ? AND MORE And the answer could be as simple as eating mushroom soup!

Following the rule to be simple and start cooking

Animal Free Kitchen

Do not ask the animals to feed you. You are old enough to handle yourself


Do not ask the animals to feed you. You are old enough to handle yourself

No Added

If one of the ingredients of the bread you give to your children, sounds like something chemical, it's not for you

NO "OR''

Remove "or " from your life. Ask for everything, and then create it. It's not complicated, just let your imagination free

Every month a little adventure ending with a TASTY DISH

Every month we will publish an interesting story of one of the creatures from the Spinach HUB Kingdom, their joys, worries and victories! We hope that you will see your self in our heroes. And you will use the recipes to destroy your problems by eating an amazing dish!

example for pirfect day menu

for the party

Arisha has been cooking for only 138 years, not long enough to find and cook all possible recipes with potatoes

quick dinner for unexpected guests

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small bite

Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.


Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.


Potato ball in tomato- dry prunes sauce

Eartha-Blue has been cooking for only 138 years, not long enough to find and cook all possible recipes with potatoes

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