It should be poured a little, otherwise it's damaging to Heart.
We are inspired by the films Fork Over Knives, The Game Changer, Plant Pure Nation, Food Matters and publication like How Not to Die, The China Study, The Starch Solution, Engine 2 Diet. They all promote Whole Food Plant Based nutrition and active lifestyle. Diet based around fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, tubers, nuts. Unrefined, or minimally refined plants
Have you ever checked the ingredients of Plant Based (Vegan)...
Gossips Rules:
Sharing recipes, cooking techniques, success stories, support, and nutritional information are the basis for our discussions.
Do keep the tone of your posts and comments friendly and supportive to all, no matter where they may be on their journey to optimal health.
Any statements made on these platforms are not intended to prevent, diagnose, cure or treat any disease or illness. Consult with your medical practitioner before making any changes to your current diet and lifestyle.