Welcome to Arisha's kitchen

 Arisha's kitchen is now open not only to her friends and for the friends of their friends  

Directly from the fireoven

Every day, Arisha bakes everyone's favorite spinach hleb. For those with a sweet tooth she makes the aromatic Cinnamon Potapple hleb. Later in the day she makes the pasta and the scents float throughout the whole kingdom of Spinach Hub : roasted red and yellow peppers, earthy beets, herbs and garlic... YUM!

Arisha's small family market and bakery

Queen Cake & Other sweets

No-bake, no added sugar, no milk, no eggs, just a Queen-worthy cake of wonder!

Spinach pasta, veggie pasta or a magic mix of both

Fresh organic ingredients - Roasted red and yellow peppers, earthy beets, herbs and garlic. Dried and packaged in a cozy bag ready for cooking.

spinach hleb, sweet potapple hleb and veggie hleb

Fantastic, one-of-a-kind family recipe from Arisha for a type of bread. Organic, fresh veggies and aromatic herbs.
Recipe of the week

The recipe for QUEEN CAKE

Arisha has been cooking for only 138 years, not long enough to find and cook all possible recipes with potatoes

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